Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs Opportunities (Assistant Manager Finance ,Assistant Directors Research ,Communication Specialist ,Communication Assistant,District Education Officer ,Communication Specialist ,Admin Officer ,Accounts Officer,Dire in punjab

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Experience Requirements

Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs Opportunities
1- Assistant Manager Finance
2- Assistant Directors Research
3- Communication Specialist
4- Communication Assistant
5- District Education Officer
6- Communication Specialist
7- Admin Officer
8- Accounts Officer
9- Director Information
10- Assistant
11- Computer Operator
12- Educator
13- Medical Officer
14- Medical Specialist
15- Staff Nurse
Apply Online here

AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT (MARKETING WING), GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB BASIC SCALE, NAME & NATURE OF POST I MINIMUM QUALIFICATION / EXPERIENCE I I AGE GENDER. DONICLE & PLACE OF POSTS* STUABUS FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION/ TEST OF HELD) SR. NO. CASE NO. & NO. OF POSTS 18 07-RG/2019 02•POSTS (INS-17) ASSISTANT MANAGER FINANCE MBA I 1CMA (Finance) I M Can (2nd Drosion). Nee: 25 to 35,05440 were FINNS: 25 to 35 +0843 man GENDER: Male Female & TransgenderDOMICILE: Punjab PLACE Of POSTING; Headquarter. Lahore. One paper MCO type ironen test o1100 Marks and 90 minutes duration. Syllabus is as under. . Qualification Related Questions (70%) L General Ability indudesGeneralKnowledge. (30%) Pakistan Studies.Curren1 Affairs. Islamic Studies. Geography. Basic Mathematics. English. Urdu. Everyday Science and Beat Computer Studies. On contract basis for • period of 05 years In the NatlitLCOMMIGenhovincial Fund Board. Punjab Agriculture.Departmen I (Marketing WIng1 IN THE PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION BASIC SCALE, NAME & I NATURE OF POST MINIMUM QUALIFICATION / EXPERIENCE AGE GENDER, DOMICILE & PLACE OF POSTING SYLLABUS FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION/ TEST (IF HELD) SR. NO. CASE NO. Lk NO. OF POSTS 19 01:13C12019 gitra SI (5317) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR RESEAFICSI Masters degree (second dMsion) in Statistics or Economics from a University recognized by Higher EducationCommisslon. Melo n ion ., s 45 Female: 22 tr, 30.8 vu yean GENDER: Male. Female & Transgender DOMICILE: Mt Punjab Basra PLACE OF POSTING; One paper MCC) type Wntten Test of 100 marks and 90 minutes uMbroloomerrong questions relating to:• a) Statistics 40% b) Economics 40% c) General Knowledge 20% (Includes Pakistan Studies.CurrentAffairs, Geography, English. Urdu. Every-dayScience andBasicCornputer Studies) (T40MNICLLENYintINTMEN111) 11( PPSC Head Office, Lahore. IN THE PUNJAB TREATY IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND MINORITIES AFFAIRS CELL (PTIC) DEPARTMENT ISR. NO. CASENO.& NO. OF POSTS BASIC SCALE ' - NATURE • .0:7 MINNUM QUALIFICATION IEXPERIENCE I AGE 'GENDER, DOMICILE & PLACE OF POSTING SYLLABUS FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION/ TEST IIF HELD) 20 0.1_43.612911) 0270111S COMMUNICATIONS 47 . (LUMP SUM PAY R$. (RS.7.500 ANNUAL INCREMEell ON CONTRACT BASIS FORA PERIOD OF THREE YEARS. ALL PUNJAB BASIS fitlaluVM.S in Urn I Intemabonal Relations/ International Lawn Human Rights a LL M. with I- years experience of dealing the international treaty obligabons or other .,,. Holinternalionatlaw. OR e . G... International Relations / Intematronal Law / Human Rights or LL.B. . . , 1 variance of dealing the international treaty obligations a other i•I law. Note; i) accepted after proscribed qualification. II) v o entities shad be accepted if such entity is registered with seri of Pakistan. Registrar of Firms or anyother Regula rode: 28 le 40.5.45 y ; Female: 28 to "..szys yen G.ENCIER: Male. Female 8 Transgender DOMICILE: Punjab PLACE OF POSTING: Lahore One Paper MCO type Written Test of 100 marks of 90 minutesdurabon.Syllabusisas under:- Law (20%) intemationatReLstions (20%) Internationatlaw (20%) Human Rights (20%) General Ability (20%) General Ability includes General Knowledge. Pakistan Studies. Current Affairs. Geography. Basic Mathematics. English. Urdu andEveryday Science. 21 0241.6/2014 Cl2e‘)//9 COMMUNICATKWS ASSISTANT (LUMP SUM PAY RS.75.000) (RS•3,750 ANNUAL iNCREMENT) ON CONTRACT BASIS.EARA PERIOD OF THREE...TEAM AU PIINJAR BASIS Masters in Law/ Into t ontemational Law / HumanRigros or LL M. • • Bachelors degree with ma 'L. al Relations. International Law. Human Righfis or LLE1with 02 r .. NOW Male: 2210 30.5.3s yea; Female: n to 50.8,33 yews GFNDER; Mate One Paper MCO type Written Test of 100 Marks of 90 minutes duration. Syllabus is as under Law (20%) International Retations (20%) International Law (20%) Human Rights (20%) General Ability (20%) General Ability includes General Knowledge. Pakistan Studies. Current Affairs, Geography. Basic Mathematics. English. Urdu and Everyday Science. Female 8 Transgender DOMICILE: Punjab PLACE OF POSTING: Lahore g Experience wa be accepted pro • •ualification. II) Experience in private entities ,... .. if Roth entity is registered wth Secants& Exchange Commis • 11 - r ' tsar of Firms or any othef RegurotoryAuthany. a LITERACY & NON FORMAL F .SP EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SR. NO. CASE NO. & NO. OF POSTS BASIC SCALE, NAME 41 NATURE OF POST MINIMUM QUALIFICATION / EXPERIENCE • 1 AGE GENDER, DOMICILE & PLACE OF POSTING SYLLABUS FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION/ TEST (IF HELD) 22 01•‘13/201$ 01•PORT MAI) I) Master's degree (Second Division ) from a umversiy recogn t Education Commission: OLURICIED.UCAThlti to Two years relevant district-based fieldexperience:and OFFICER ILITFRACYI 110 Knowledge ollA.S Office. Male: 22 to 45 •5•54) years le • as Nir GENDER: Male. Female & Transgender DOMICILE: MI Puntan Bane PLACE OF POSTING: Anywhere in the Punjab MCO Type GeneralAbility Wntten Test of 100 Marks and 90 minutes duration. comprising Questions relating to General Knowiedge. Pakistan Studies. Curren' Affairs. Islamic Studies. (Ethics for non-Muslim Candidates). Geography. Basic Mathematics. English. Urdu. Everyday Science and BasicComputerstudies. NOM: I) Two years' experience after Master's degree is required in the field of exposure to Lit ISINSgbXEARE end Non-Formai Basic Education. II) Experience in private entities shall be accepted if such entity Es registered . CONTRACT BASSI Securities A Exchange Commissto of Pakistan. Registrar of Firmsccanyother Regulatory Authority. WOMEN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEr ai. "I SR. NO. CASE NO. & NO. OF POSTS BASIC SCALE, NAME & NATURE OF POST I NININUM QUALIFICATION/ I EXPERIENCE ACE GENDE • • RE A - POSING SYLLABUS FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION/ TEST (IF HELD) 23 02 RIK/201g 01-POST (13S-17) COMMUNICAIION SPECIALIST i) Masters degree (second division) in Mass Communication. Media Studies or Development Journalism from a University recognized by the Higher Education Commission; arKI II) Two years experience in designing and implementation of media campaigns. NATFI, i) Experience in private ,ratites shall be accepted if such entity is registered with Securities 8 Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Regstrat of Firma anyother RegulatolyAinhorily ii) Practical Experience will be accepted alter Presrobed Qualification. Male: 21 je 30 , avaa y,,, Female: 21 to 30 • iS•38 Years GENDER: Female & Transge WAWA& Any As of Province of the Punjab. PLACE OF POSTING. Women Development Department. Punjab. Lahore paper MCQ type written test of 100 Marks and 90 minutes bon. Syllabus is as under-ON CONTRA...MIASMAS THE PERIOD OF 03 YEARS bon Related Questions s Communication Studies ntJoumarom •ding General Knowledge. (50%) (50%)Pak- -tud /Affairs. Islamic Studets. Geogra• Mies. English.Urdu. Everyday • sic Computer Studies.. 24 934t142019 0141121,1 (WM AlthIRLQUICER ON CONTRACT PASTS FOR THEPERIOD_010.3_YEARS I) MBA/MPAor equivalent qualification from a recognized University ii) One year experience in handling administrative matters. iii) Watten1Communicabon Sties:and iv) Proficiency in MS. Office. NOB` Wale:24 to 30 • 5.35 Wars Fans.: 246,30, sass ws., IGUANA: Male. One caPer MCO t tten test of 100 Marks and 90 minutes Female & Transponder DOMICILE: Any District of Province of the Palo!). ELACE-Of POSTING; duration. Syllabus is as under-a) Quakecabon Related Questions 0 MBA ii) MPA 0)General Ability induding Pakistan (50%) (50%) I) Experience in private Bates shell be accepted if such entity is registered with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Registrar of Firms or anyotherRegulatoryAuthenty ii) Administrative Experience we be accepted after Prescribed Oualificabon. Lahore General Knowledge. Studies. CurrentAffairs. islanroStudies. Geography. Basic Mathematics, English. Urdu. Everyday Science and Basic Computer Studies. 25 04 -RKr2019 01-POST (BS-17) A.C.C_Q_ON/SOFFICER ON CONTRACT BASItFOR i) M.COMJIABA Financefrom a recognized University. ii) Two years experience in the Int hi) WatereCommunicabon Skits: and iv) Proficiency in MS. °Mos NOTE:. saw 24 to 30 • 5•35 Yeas Female: 24 to 30 • $.38 Yen GENDER Male. Female & Transgender POM1CU.E; AnY District of Province of the Punjab. PLACE OFEOSTING: Lahore One paper MCO type written test of duration. Syllabus is as under:- a)Quakficalion Related Questions i) M.COM i II) MBA Finance 100 Marks and 90 minutes (50%) I) Experience in private enbtes shall be accepted if such entity is registered with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Registrar ef Firms et any other RegulatOry AutheotY ii) Practical Experience will be acceptor:roller Proscnbod Qualification. b)General Ability including (50%) General Knowledge. Pakistan Studies. CurrentAffairs. IslanroStudes.Geography. Basic mathemabcs. English. Urdu. Everyday Science and Basic Computer Studios. THE.PEBIOD_OIDIVEARS LABOUR & HUMAN RESOURCE PUNJAB EMPLOYEES SOCIAL SECURITY DEPARTMENT INSTITUTION SR. NO. CASE NO. & NO. OF POSTS BASIC SCALE, NAME & NATURE OF POST MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE AGE GENDER, DOMICILE & PLACE OF POSTING SYLLABUS FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION/ TEST (IF HELD) 26 06-RM/2019 01-POST (05-18) DIRECTOR (INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY) (aismaybsci BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS) 1. First Class or grade 111- Masters Degree in Computer Sciencennfomtation Technology System (18 years of education) or equivalent from a university recognized by Higher Education Commission. 2. 12 years peat•qualification experience in ERP and Information Management System designing, development and Implementation/ Programming/System Study/Preparation of functional SpOtifiCition/Project/propOSe Is relating to Hardware/Software/Project Management and Implementation/Supervising systems and Programming at a major Computer Installations/Dela Centre and Network establishmentand maintenance. 3• Otto degree holder in the above subjects will be preferred. Inlatilltatitett: 1 Experience in private entities shall be accepted if such entity is registered with SECP, Regetrarof Firms or any other RegulatoryAuthonty. 2. Only that particular/professional experience shall be counted which NM been acquired in the relevant area while working in institutions recognized by the relevant authority. Male: 3$ to so vs• ss yen Female: 35 to 50 iSi 58yeam GENDER: Male. Female & Transgender DOMICILE: Any Distil of Province of Punjab PLACE OF POSTING: PESSI Head Office. One paper MCO Type Written Test of 100 Mark and 90 minutes duration. The syllabus is as under:- a) °unbent relating to Qualification (80%) b) General Knowedge including (20%) Pakistan Studies. Current Affairs. Islamic Studies (Ethics for non-Mushms Candidates). Geography. Basic Mathematics. English, Urdu, Everyday Science and Basic Computer Studies. 27 07-R Mr20 19 40-POSTS oan min • 04 Ware. Duos • ol sone zone • oi (8515) ASSISTANT (ONSONTRACI BASIS FOTtAREFUOD OF FIVF YFARS) Graduate from a recognized University. Male: 21 to 30 .5. 35 man Ferns*: 21 to 30 NW 38 years GENDER; Male. Female S Transgender DOWN& My District of Province of Punjab n., s,,,, ar sar,..,,,, "J"a-Mr-nd."110: Lahore. Guranwala. Faisalabad. Rawalpindi, Molten & ashawalpur One Paper MCQ typo General Ability Written Test of 100 marks and 90 minutes duration Comprising Questions relating to General Knowledge including Pakistan Studies. Current Affairs, Islamic Studies (Ethics for non-Muslim Candidates). Geography. Basic Mathematics. English. Urdu. Everyday Science and Computer study, • 28 94:11b1/2211 46zgarli 004,444444 • 04 wows. cyan -el 90.41417.4.• • oi MUM MOM OPERATOR Graduation or equal from a recognized University with at least 06 M011049Dipeoma in Software applicalionfrom a recognized institution and having typing speed or 40 wp.m. SPL N St Male: 18 to 25 +5. 30 years Female: IS to 25 ell • 33years GENDER: Mate. Female & Transgender DOMICILE; Any District of Province of Punjab PLACE OF POSTING: Lahore. Gujranwala. Faisalabad. Rawalpindi. Multan & 8898walpur One Paper MCO type General Ability Written Test of 100 markS and 90 minutes duratim comprising Questions relating to General Knowledge including Pakistan Studies. Current Affairs. Islamic Studies (Ethics for non-Muslim Candidates). Geography. Basic Mathematics. English. Urdu. Everyday science and Computer Studies. (ON CO NTRACT BASSEGRA_P_EFROD OF FIVE YFARS) CONTINUED PAGE 2