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This is helpful for old paper of ppsc , FPSc , NTS, OTS , PTS ,SPSC, KPSC , BPSC, AJKPSC Every day Science papers for Vitamins and their benefits to body
Vitamin A
Responsible for: young looking skin, beautiful hair, healthy nails, sharp vision and strong bones Can be found in: carrots, citrus fruit, hard cheese, spinach, milk cottage cheese, eggs, fish, parsley, milk and liver Recommended daily amount: 0.4-1 mg
Vitamin B1
Responsible for: an efficient brain function, good digestion, healthy muscles, healthy heart and quality sleep Can be found in: brewing yeast, pork, nuts, oats, wheat grass and legumes
Recommended daily amount: 1.3-2 mg
Vitamin B2
Responsible for: regenerated cells, sharp vision and healthy muscles
Can be found in-milk, almonds, eggs, mushrooms, cottage cheese, yeast and meat
Recommended daily amount: 1.3-3 mg
Vitamin B5
Responsible for: good memory, cheerful mood, healthy blood vessels and healthy heart
Can be found in: chicken, egg yolk, dairy products, caviar, legumes, nuts, yeast, oatmeal, rice and broccoli
Recommended daily amount: 5 mg
Vitamin B6
Responsible for: a rejuvenated body, strong nervous system and healthy blood vessels
Can be found in: cereal, green salad, cabbage, bananas, walnuts, wheat bran, salmon and meat
Recommended daily amount: 1.6-2 mg
Vitamin B12
Responsible for: normal weight, good immunity, sound memory and healthy gastrointestinal tract
Can be found itj soybeans, hops, spinach, kelps, oyster, fish, milk, cheese, egg yolk
Recommended daily amount: 2-5 mg
Vitamin C
Responsible for: smooth skin, good immunity, cheerful mood and healthy hair and nails
Lan be found in: dill, citrus fruits, rose hips, cauliflower, peas, beans, radish, kiwi fruit, red fruit, sea buckthorn
Recommended daily amount: 70 mg
Vitamin D
Responsible for: healthy bones, good blood circulation, immunity to colds, elimination of toxins
an be found in: cheese, butter, egg yolk, fish, seafood, potatoes, vegetables
Recommended daily amount: 2-5 mg
Vitamin E
Responsible for: A rejuvenated body, normal operation of the reproductive system and protection from the environment Can be found in: meat, corn, pumpkin seeds, dairy products
Recommended daily amount: 30-50 mg
Vitamin K
Responsible for: fast healing, normal blood coagulation
Can be found in: spinach, nettle, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, green tea
Recommended daily amount: 1-2 mg