Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute Research Centre Lahore Career Opportunities in lahore

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Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute Research Centre Lahore Career Opportunities
Paksun Keay and Lhar Parole aid Reserth Greer (PKLIMiC). I sultng as an atoonstus tedy trough Paksan *they and Liver 'malt,* aM Research Conferki 2019 (IMM) passed by Oe Pto*daIMswtIyol Puniab.PXLIERC venom by an tolepondent Board ceGovonorscomanod through the salAct We are planed 33 our 'OlOweg pOSAMS sx cuaiied candidales
Consultants Urotqf Neohrology Intone/tonal Radology Aneslmsa stpalhology Own co Pararegy Inum.rology Hemakicqy Genera & Vascutte Surgery Pedant Inleasynt Peclaht Nophrobv PedaInc Urology General PedaIn Parttkm_Ccusutlarga Calatagy . Homology • Gynocckgry Senior Registrars . Hepaloanaryd Uve Ironware Svgay • **clop/ . Urology . Renal Trrepanl Surgery • Gastrcenlerdogy/ Peciatrc Gastroentercrogy ? Hrucitarckgy 13124thrs . Neteow • Urolowolgy . Renal Tampere Bergey Hepatcblety d Uver Transpire &Fry • Meath'* Crrical Care Meech* . Gsseoenterobcp . Pedant Gaseoetnerdogy
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Runlet . Respeatry Themput . 5.31Nurses . Dtsyss TecNtaan . Nursing Assam' IDISIMUE/OiciPa . Ractochenst . %leder Drums:ow Laboratory . Manager Laboratory . torso, Technologists . Phlehtonols ellaMSKY • PI)Eirma0St • Pharifthey Tedv1.0an
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Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center tg2M One PKLI Avenue. DPIA Phase 6. Lenore. Pakistan Mil .92 42111 11 MSC 42381029462 0 1 0 1 0 :ewe dy en outgo